Mister ArtSee is a wondrous mobile art laboratory that can travel city streets, hosting a wide array of engaging projects: installations, sound-pieces, performances, presentations, visual art and videos. The ArtSee vehicle is both a work of art and space for art - a first of it's kind experimental platform in form and content. ArtSee vehicles seek to achieve maximum versatility and world class artistry to fulfill our mission of bringing information and contemporary art throughout the area, especially underserved neighborhoods, schools, playgrounds, parks and public spaces.
Mister ArtSee is intended to bring art experiences to neighborhoods, venues and populations not typically served by traditional art institutions. Liberated from such institutions, it will transcend cultural boundaries, be they economic, ethnic or geographic. Circumventing the typical path from studio to gallery to museum, the ArtSee vehicle will offer new modes of experience, a laboratory for new forms and perspectives that inspires children and adults to see and think differently about art. ArtSee will be a full-service, super-efficient, self-sufficient, multipurpose art-mobile, whose possibilities are limited only by the imagination of its participants.